This course introduces coaches to ‘The Compass Coaching Model’, an innovative, cutting-edge model for a coaching conversation and a practical framework for a longer-term over-arching coaching process.
The model is designed to provide you and your clients a greater sense of direction and purpose. It will also support your creativity, enable you to have more flexibility and freedom in how you work with your clients and empower them to get even better results during, between and after their coaching sessions with you.
On completion of this course, you will achieve a total of 10 CCE units awarded in two categories: 9 Core Competency units and 1 Resource Development units.
When does the next course run?
The next course runs on Mondays, March 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st from 09.00-11.00 CET, 08.00-10.00 Ireland/Britain, 13.30-15.30 Mumbai/IST, 16.00-18.00 Singapore and 19.00-21.00 Sydney AEDT.
How will this course make a difference to me and for me?
There are many models already out there for a coaching conversation, but what makes this one different is that this framework offers a powerful metaphor and set of mindsets for coaching itself. The Compass Coaching Model is organic and offers a versatile tool that can enable you to navigate a whole coaching process as well as any individual coaching conversation.

The model is easy to learn and apply, and it’s probably also fair to say that once you are aware of it, you can find most of the different elements in almost any effective coaching session.
The Compass Coaching Model in Action – Course Content
This 10-hour course is made up of 8 hours of synchronous online learning and 2 asynchronous hours.
Session 1 – Embodying ‘The Compass Coaching Model’
In this session, you’ll experience ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ in action first-hand and learn the essential elements of the model and its main purpose.
Session 2 – Exploring & Analysing ‘The Compass Coaching Model’
This session gives you the opportunity to identify the elements of the Compass Coaching Mindset and explore the importance of ‘chunking up’ and focusing on client purpose. You’ll also review your learnings around the model and see how you can integrate a sense of direction and movement into your coaching sessions.
Session 3 – Consolidating ‘The Compass Coaching Model’
By the end of this session, you’ll have seen how ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ integrates the different ICF Core Coaching Competencies and had the opportunity to practice and get some peer feedback on incorporating ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ into a typical coaching conversation.
Session 4 – Expanding on ‘The Compass Coaching Model’
This last session focuses mainly on how ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ integrates some of the different ICF PCC markers and on how it can act as a framework for a longer-term over-arching coaching process.
The two asynchronous hours will consist of a variety of reflections sheets, pre-session tasks, videos and activity preparation.
The Compass Coaching Model in Action – Course Objectives
During the course you will meet the following learning objectives and outcomes.
- Assimilate the essential elements of ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ and the main purpose behind it.
- Practice ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ in a variety of different ways.
- Explore how ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ can act as a framework for a longer-term over-arching coaching process.
- Come away with a powerful coaching tool that you can use for yourself and with your clients.
Furthermore, by the end of the course you will have…
- seen how ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ integrates the different ICF Core Coaching Competencies.
- seen how ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ integrates some of the different ICF PCC markers.
- had the opportunity to practice incorporating ‘The Compass Coaching Model’ into a typical coaching conversation.
- learnt the importance of ‘chunking up’ and focusing on client purpose.
- seen how you can integrate a sense of direction and movement into your coaching sessions.
- reflected on the learnings you’ll have assimilated and how you can implement those learnings moving forward.
Who is giving this course?
This course is delivered by Séamus Ó Muircheartaigh, NLP Trainer, ICF PCC coach and Certified Mentor Coach. As such, Séamus has a unique insight into NLP, coaching, and mentoring and he has a deep knowledge of both the ICF Core Coaching Competencies and the PCC assessment markers.
Séamus has been a teacher, trainer and coach for over 30 years and he designs and delivers a wide variety of innovative courses, programmes and trainings in Coaching and NLP for educational organisations including both the ‘Practitioner in the Applications of NLP in Education’, and the ‘Core Coaching Skills for Teachers, Trainers & Educators’ as well as providing teacher development and mentoring services.
Séamus also works in business organisations and offers individual and group coaching, ‘The Coaching Clinic®’, a two-day programme in core coaching skills for managers and leaders as well as tailored business skills training solutions.
There are a variety of discounts, investment options and exclusive bonuses available when you sign up for this course.
For more information on the various other coach training programmes we offer, you can visit the different courses listed on the website or contact us at yoursuccess@useyouredge.com