Learning Insights Categories All PostsChangeCoachingLanguageLearningNLPTraining 16/02/2025 The Compass Coaching Model The Compass Coaching Model’, an innovative, cutting-edge model for a coaching conversation... 16/01/2025 Coaching your Clients to the... Do you sometimes find with your coaching clients, trainees, or learners that... 02/01/2025 What is a Compass Coaching... A Compass Coaching Mindset is a compelling set of perspectives, beliefs, or... 16/12/2024 COACH State versus CRASH State The COACH STATE Robert Dilts’ COACH State is designed to create... 02/12/2024 The Power of the Preposition... One of the most important questions a coach uses when they are... 16/11/2024 I’ve Started So I’ll Finish... Have you ever been faced with a task and starting avoiding it?... 02/11/2024 Integrating a Growth Mindset What is a Growth Mindset and how can you integrate it in... 16/10/2024 To Be or Not To... It’s not what you say but how you say it! 02/10/2024 A setback? or is it... How can you call something a setback unless you know for sure... 16/09/2024 Selling the Sizzle, Not the... So when it comes to communicating with your trainees and learners, how... 02/09/2024 Coaching Skills – Listening the... Solid listening skills are an essential part of the toolkit of an... 16/08/2024 May You – Powerful Inspirational... Just two coaching questions from this powerfully inspirational poem! 02/08/2024 Songs for the Unconscious –... The Spark ‘The Spark’ features Kabin Crew and Lisdoonvarna Crew and... 16/07/2024 Learning Beliefs – 4 “When pursuing learning goals, it's not that critical to feel confident in... 02/07/2024 Tony Soprano, Game of Thrones... What does Tony Soprano and Game of Thrones have to do with... 16/06/2024 David Bowie – Going Further... So just how far further are you prepared to go so as... 02/06/2024 Reflecting on Learning Experiences “We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” 16/05/2024 Listening Actively – It’s not... Active and deep listening means finding out what really matters to and... 02/05/2024 The Pygmalion Effect The popular musical from the 1960's 'My Fair Lady' is based on... 16/04/2024 Learning Beliefs – 3 Effective learning engages all five major senses. Just like young babies, we... 02/04/2024 Learning Coaching & Training in... Many coaches, trainers and educators the world over are also avid sports... 16/03/2024 Learning Beliefs – 2 We like what is the same but we learn from what is... 02/03/2024 Travelling and Telling Stories One of my favourite proverbs from the Irish language is “An té... 16/02/2024 Learning to move outside your... Learning is not moving outside your comfort zone but more about moving... 02/02/2024 Learning Beliefs – 1 You learn both consciously and unconsciously. 16/01/2024 Why The Irish Were Given... Why were the Irish given five senses? Clearly to enjoy life at... 02/01/2024 The Origin of Coaching Coaching started back in the 14th century