Mission & Vision

Empower Growth with Séamus

Séamus has had the privilege to learn from a number of highly impactful teachers, trainers, coaches and mentors. He feels that his main purpose and deepest vocation is to share and channel on to others the powerful learnings, insights and discoveries he has had so that he can pass on the baton and give to others what he has received.

Séamus’ vision for his coaching, mentoring and training work is to have a profound impact on the world of coaching, education, training and learning so that people can experience deep transformational long-lasting learning and change.

He hopes to do that by offering innovative and rewarding work that has a significantly long-lasting impact on and thereby ultimately changes the lives of the people he has the privilege to work with so that they can

  • develop greater flexibility in thinking and in action
  • open up new possibilities for discovery, creativity and change
  • bring forth greater potential into action
  • create strategies and solutions to improve performance and produce longer lasting results
  • develop fulfilling relationships at work and at home and enhance the quality of their lives

Séamus ultimately believes we all have that ‘edge’ within us, the potential and resources we need for our development and growth, the essence of what makes us different, unique and of true value in the world.

Whether you are an individual, educational organisation or business, you can get in touch with Séamus if you are interested in a discovery session to find out more about how he can support you with your coaching, mentoring, and training needs at seamus@useyouredge.com