Robert Dilts’ COACH State is designed to create a resourceful mental, emotional, and physiological state for both coaches and clients.
The acronym COACH represents five key elements that foster a positive, open, and resourceful state:
C – Centered
Being grounded and balanced physically, emotionally, and mentally. It involves finding your center and having a sense of stability and calmness.
O – Open
Having an open mind, heart, and awareness. This means being receptive to new information, experiences, and perspectives without judgment.
A – Aware
Maintaining an awareness of your inner experience (thoughts, feelings, and sensations) and the outer environment. This includes being fully present in the moment.
C – Connected
Feeling connected with yourself, others, and the larger context or environment. This involves building rapport and a sense of belonging.
H – Holding
Maintaining a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude, both towards yourself and others. It implies holding a safe space for growth, learning, and exploration.
COACH State vs. CRASH State
The COACH State stands in contrast to the CRASH State, which represents a less resourceful, disempowered or limiting state characterized by:
- Contracted – tense, closed
- Reactive – instead of proactive
- Action paralysis – thinking repetitive loops
- Separated – from resources and creativity
- Hostile, Hurt, Hating – annoyed, stressed, upset
Benefits of the COACH State
- It can help the coach and the client prepare for their session, the coach to do their best work and the client to be ready for learning and change.
- It promotes creativity and resourcefulness.
- It encourages emotional balance and resilience.
- It enhances problem-solving and decision-making.
- It fosters deeper connections and rapport during coaching sessions.
The COACH State can be used to help both coaches and clients access their full potential by creating a state of openness, centredness, and connection.