Have you ever been faced with a task and starting avoiding it? Have you ever...
What is a Growth Mindset and how can you integrate it in coaching?
So when it comes to communicating with your trainees and learners, how do you want...
The Spark ‘The Spark’ features Kabin Crew and Lisdoonvarna Crew and was released in...
“When pursuing learning goals, it's not that critical to feel confident in your existing ability....
What does Tony Soprano and Game of Thrones have to do with effective learning and...
“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”
The popular musical from the 1960's 'My Fair Lady' is based on the 1912 play...
Effective learning engages all five major senses. Just like young babies, we use all of...
Many coaches, trainers and educators the world over are also avid sports fans. Many will...
We like what is the same but we learn from what is different. Learning is...
Learning is not moving outside your comfort zone but more about moving outside your familiarity...
You learn both consciously and unconsciously.