NLP Practitioner in Education | Transform Your Teaching

NLP Practitioner In Education

NLP Practitioner in Education | Transform Your Teaching

NLP Practitioner in Education

NLP offers the unique opportunity for teachers, trainers, and educators to learn new ways of inspiring and engaging learners. With an increased awareness and a wealth of effective strategies, teachers can become more skilful in creating positive environments and designing, planning, and developing successful long-term learning.

Download the brochure here.


Course Objectives

This course will enable you to…

  • Reassess your beliefs & values around teaching and learning and reconnect with what is important to you as a teacher.
  • Explore the fundamental assumptions of NLP and their implications in the classroom.
  • Create a productive learning environment.
  • Design activities that will ensure successful long-term learning.
  • Communicate more precisely and set up activities for maximum effect.
  • Establish and maintain rapport with all learners.
  • Know what your learners are thinking, calibrate and monitor what’s happening in the room.
  • Change your state so you enjoy what you do more.
  • Develop your flexibility so you can respond to challenging classroom scenarios, deal with learner resistance, and resolve conflictive situations.
  • Identify strengths, access, and build internal resources.
  • Support your learners to set motivating goals and help them achieve them.
  • Explore thinking and motivation styles and how you can plan and deliver your teaching to gain and maintain your learners‘ attention.
  • Create optimum learning states and develop strategies and techniques for effective learning.
  • Challenge unhelpful beliefs, overcome learning blocks and find creative solutions to problems.
  • Explore the concept of anchoring and its appropriate use inside and outside the classroom.
  • Develop your flexibility around different learning styles and how you can integrate them into your daily teaching.
  • Use your language to be more persuasive in the classroom and influence your learners with elegance and integrity.
  • Explore your understanding of time as an aid to learning and change.
  • Exploit metaphor and use stories for learning and change.
  • Learn how to use these tools and techniques to enrich your life and that of those around you.

Course Content

  • What is NLP?
  • Beliefs & Values
  • NLP Assumptions or Convenient Truths
  • Outcome Thinking & Learning Objectives
  • Learning in a Multi-Sensory World & Representational Systems
  • Rapport & Deep/Contextual Listening
  • Motivation Styles – An Introduction to Metaprogrammes
  • The Importance of Time
  • Effective Communication & An Introduction to Reframing
  • Effective Communication & An Introduction to The Meta Model
  • Effective Communication & An Introduction to The Milton Model
  • Guided Fantasies
  • Neurological Levels
  • Sensory Acuity
  • Anchoring
  • Resource States
  • The Perceptual Positions – Association & Dissociation
  • NLP and Challenging Situations
  • NLP and Creativity
  • NLP for outside the classroom


The sessions will be in a workshop format, highly participative, interactive, and fun. Participants will meet a wide variety of ideas, concepts and activities of immediate classroom application that will support, build on and further develop their current classroom experience. Throughout the course, they will have the opportunity to prepare a motivating action plan that will help them implement what they will have learned long after the training has finished.

Continuing Learning, Exploration & Discovery Outside the Training Sessions

Participants will also be asked to do a variety of tasks during the course to account for the extra non-classroom hours that the course consists of, as well as a final mini project which will need to be handed in on the assigned date.

100% assistance is expected on the course.

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